Wow! Does time fly or what? Thanks to everyone who posted this week. For those who didn't (for shame....J/K) you can still post anytime you want. Be sure to use the label "up close" when you post for last weeks assignment. Any who...this weeks assignment is still pretty straight forward but maybe a little more abstract. Yellow. Do what ever you want just be sure to convey yellow. Your picture could range from a yellow taxi to Chris Martin and his band mates from Coldplay performing their hit song "Yellow" (if you have this kind of access...what are you doing posting on this dinky blog? me so I can come). So there you have it Yellow!
This is a picture of some "frost flakes" created by a night of fog, captured sitting carelessly on some strange plant at my mom's house (for those of you that have been wondering just what the heck this is :)
This weeks topic is pretty self explanatory. Take a picture of something up close. Feel free to make it artsy or abstract. Portraits can be very dramatic (or scary) when taken very close to the subject. Let you imagination run wild. (Just like I let the cheese)
Welcome to the Utah Photo Club blog. We will use this blog as a forum to discuss and critique each others photos as well as distribute weekly photo assignments. Stay tuned for some great photos and some great tips.