Monday, April 5, 2010

Mirror: Reflections from the city

So I had a couple of ideas throughout the week, but most of them didn't work out like I had hoped. What you see is an HDR image I threw together. This was taken Saturday afternoon, it's the reflection from the Nu Skin building in Provo. I would have liked to have the tree branch removed, but after cropping it out I felt like I was missing some important parts of the photo.

ISO 200
1/250 shutter


  1. I would agree from looking at it I don't think you would have a complete picture that makes sense had you removed the branch.. It's just to bad it's sitting right in view, I really dig the mountain in the reflection though.Great shot.

  2. Jed- as always you turn in great work. I love the color treatment of the building - very rich yellows - makes me want French Vanilla ice cream.
