Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I had to get up really early to take this. Stupid fishermen


  1. This is an amazing shot! where did you find grren grass in March?

  2. Where is this taken? And when?

  3. weird I thought I already responded... I took this in Yellowstone, it's about a 35 min hike, pretty easy really. I can't remember the name of the place, but it's up at the north end of the park.. It was actually from last year. I take a lot of pictures and didn't have any new ones for this particular assignment. And I wanted to share this one.

  4. Jason I think this is an awesome shot. You caught that lake at the perfect moment. Next time you go to Yellowstone, you better take me!

    I know you cant go out tomorrow and retake this shot but I did have a thought... what if you had included some of the shoreline where you were standing so the lake was framed into the picture better. Just a thought.

  5. I will gladly send you some of the shots I took with the shoreline in view, This was however taken with the shoreline missing on purpose, I wanted to have the effect of not knowing what was up or down. Thanks for the suggestion though.. Ya know I love y a man..
